Monday, 13 July 2009

Punching vs Kicking

Have you ever wondered about this, boxing against taekwondo? Well don’t, all you need to think about is what you need to do to improve on, don’t get caught up in thinking that one style is better than the other and start to practice that style, stick to what you do, that’s called DICIPLINE.

Just sit down with a cup of tea and think about what you are most natural at punching or kicking, and then from there you can start to plan the next part of your journey into the depths of martial arts.

So if you’re a natural kicker then the thing to work on is punching and if you a natural puncher work on your kicking try and get your technique and movement to feel that they are on par with each other, or ask your coach to watch and get some solid advice on what to do next to move forward to reach that equal level with hands and feet.

Now the beauty of having hands and feet as goods as each other is when it comes to sparring you can use whichever you like to suit your opponent if they opponent is shorter you can work the kicks and if the opponent is taller try and get inside with your punching.

If one or the other is a weak area then your whole sparring/fighting will be limited, punching and kicking go together in kickboxing as elbows and knees should go together in mma and Thai boxing.

To truly get the most out of any art you have to work all areas, the hard bit is when it comes to sparring and actually practicing your weak areas and not relying on your strong ones, you don’t grow new leafs by cutting down the trees so why would you restrict your growth by sticking to one skill.

I hope this helps with your training and to round of your skills, I think the title should read punching + kicking.

Next weeks blog will be on neutralizing your opponent, should be interesting.

See you on the mat.

Team MSD

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