Tuesday 11 October 2011

Adults karate 4 for FREE

Try 4 Classes For FREE
MSD Evolution Martial Arts Academy

Adults Karate

When you’re fighting fit you don't just have healthy lungs but you
also have a healthy heart, in every sense.

At the MSD MARTIAL ARTS ACADEMY, we aim to improve your
fitness on a host of levels as well as helping you beat some of the stresses that we
all encounter on a daily basis.

Our classes are open to all ages and abilities and when you
throw in a friendly atmosphere then you’ve got yourself a winner.

The varied program enjoyed by all our members presents the
chance to indulge in a system that is guaranteed to make you
fitter, happier and more equipped to tackle everyday life.
So go on try it, feel it, indulge in it but most of all have fun with it!

• There are no restrictions on ability

• Our instructors are all experienced Martial
Artists dedicated to delivering the highest
standard’s at all times.

• Martial arts are a great way to improve fitness,
relieve stress and improve mobility. They are
proven to enhance feelings of self-worth whilst
encouraging the young and old alike to feel more
comfortable in the world in which they live.

To book your place Today call

Academy: 01242 679 220 or Mobile 07919 282 151


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